4. Fees

Transactions on OracleMoney Gateway incur a transaction fee. These fees can be settled using a range of different tokens supported by the platform. The fee structure is linked to a certain percentage of the Ethereum network's gas price, which may evolve with changes in network activity.

· Supported Tokens

To determine which tokens are supported for transactions and fees on OracleMoney Gateway:

  1. Utilize the block explorer relevant to your environment.

  2. Use the getFees function available in our libraries.

  • Fees must exactly match the specifications, or the transaction will be declined.

  • Transactions that consolidate multiple inputs (merge transactions) are not subject to fees. Users are encouraged to minimize their UTXOs to enhance network efficiency.

  • The getFees function provides detailed information in an array format.

· Defining Fees in Transactions

Fees in transactions are implicitly included as the difference between inputs and outputs, rather than being explicitly stated.

  • Example: If Alice has a UTXO worth 100 wei and wants to send 10 wei to Bob, the fee (e.g., 5 wei) is implied in the transaction's input and output difference.

  • Multi-Currency Transactions: It's feasible to execute transactions in one currency and pay the fee in another, as long as the UTXO for fee payment is in a supported token.

Last updated