3. Use Cases

3.1 Community Points Engine

Oracle Points System (OPS)


The primary aim of the Oracle Points System (OPS) is to provide a scalable, decentralized solution for community-driven points and rewards systems. Traditional public blockchain infrastructures, like Ethereum, face challenges in managing the demands of contemporary point-based applications, necessitating a more efficient solution.

OPS leverages the OracleMoney Gateway to facilitate high-volume, trustless transactions for community points. This complete solution includes a functioning application detailed in this document, outlining the implementation of unique claim, burn, and subscription transactions. OPS empowers users with true ownership of their points, enabling fast, cost-free, and secure transactions.

The system comprises several key components:

  • OPS Client: a browser extension simulating a user-friendly client application.

  • OPS Server: a server setup designed to handle transaction fees for users.

  • OPS Smart Contracts: a series of contracts managing ERC20 Tokens.

  • OPS Claim Demo: a script showcasing the claim transaction process.

  • OPS Admin Dashboard: an interface for administrators to manage transactions and funds.

The current version does not include a complete design blueprint and subscription transaction demonstrations due to time constraints.

Product Requirements User Personas

1. Community Members: active participants in a community points system, seeking engagement and rewards.

2. Moderators or Admins: individuals managing community rules and coordinating activities.

3. Management Team: oversees the technical and operational aspects of the community points system.

Proposed Solution / Design

· Demo Application Architecture The OPS demonstration uses web browsers as the primary interface due to their integration ease with existing ecosystem tools. Supported browsers include Brave and Chrome, with the following components:

  • Community Points Extension: The core interface for users, integrating services like public APIs, Web3 providers, and fee relaying.

  • Oracle Points Platform Integration: Utilizing public APIs for user identity and item purchases, simplifying user interaction with the OPS.

  • OPS Server: Manages the complex server-side operations, handling multiple concurrent transactions, fee-relaying, and integrating cloud-based HSM modules for enhanced security

  • Admin/Moderator Dashboard: This tool simplifies treasury and fund management on the blockchain for platform administrators and moderators, especially those unfamiliar with crypto. The dashboard, integrated with role-based access, allows for easy handling of deposits, transactions, and distribution of community points without needing extensive Web3 knowledge.

Blockchain Infrastructure

The OracleMoney Gateway serves as the foundation for settling OPS transactions while maintaining the trustlessness of the system. This infrastructure underpins the OPS, enabling efficient and secure handling of community points within the platform.

3.2 Wallet Use Case

By following this guide, you'll learn how cryptocurrency wallets can integrate with OracleMoney Gateway for handling ETH and ERC20 tokens.



This document aims to illustrate the process for cryptocurrency wallets to integrate support for OracleMoney Gateway, enabling functionalities like depositing, withdrawing, and transferring ETH and ERC20 tokens. By integrating with OracleMoney Gateway, wallets can contribute to easing the load on the Ethereum network and offer users quicker, more cost-efficient transactions with the same level of security as Ethereum.


  • User Personas

  1. Customers: Users of the cryptocurrency wallet.

  2. Integrators: Development and management teams responsible for implementing OracleMoney Gateway support in the wallet.

  3. OracleMoney Gateway Team: Provides technical and integration support.

  • User Stories

  1. As a customer, I want to deposit ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to OracleMoney Gateway without leaving my wallet.

  2. As a customer, I want to send deposited ERC20 tokens to any wallet compatible with OracleMoney Gateway.

  3. As a customer, I want to withdraw deposited ERC20 tokens back to the Ethereum network.

  • Proposed Design Based on the development experience of OracleMoney Gateway mobile wallet and extensive research, we propose a design as a general guideline for integration.

Integration Scope

The integration involves several steps:

  • Native Implementation: Separate implementations for Android and iOS.

  • Hybrid Approach: A single implementation based on React Native.

  • Blockchain Querying: Essential for retrieving transaction and account data.

  • Making Deposits: Follow the provided guide for depositing funds into OracleMoney Gateway.

  • Transfers: Implement standard transfer functionality as outlined in the guide.

  • Withdrawals (Exits): Implement exits functionality to withdraw funds back to Ethereum.

Web Wallet Quick Start

This section guides you through using a Web Wallet for transactions on OracleMoney Gateway.

  • Goals

Learn about OracleMoney Gateway interface.

Perform deposit, transaction, and exit with ETH and ERC20 tokens.

Understand Plasma and MoreVP concepts.

  • Who Is This For?

OracleMoney Gateway clients, integration partners, exchanges, wallets, blockchain services, and Ethereum DApps.

  • Prerequisites

Chrome browser, MetaMask, and basic blockchain knowledge.

  • Wallet Configuration

Supports Rinkeby Testnet and Main Ethereum Network.

Connection options include Ledger, among others.

  • Depositing Funds

Steps for funding your Ethereum wallet and making deposits in ETH and ERC20.

  • Making Transactions

Guide to transferring ETH or ERC20 tokens on OracleMoney Gateway.

  • Withdrawing Funds

Instructions on submitting and processing exits.

Last updated